Friday, July 22, 2011

Top 5: Best Things I've Learned Thanks To Nail Blogs.

Nail Blogs are so great not only because we share our passion with others and get hints of new, upcoming collections.
We can find out also, many nice things we had not idea about of.

Here is my Top 5

1) China Glaze "Ruby Pumps": To me is the most beautiful polish ever. Just for this i'm totally grateful to nail blogs.
Para mi, el esmalte mas bello del mundo.
"Ruby Pumps"  が いちばん きれいな あか です。
Per me, é lo smalto piu bello fra tutti.

2) Pushing cuticles rather than cutting them: Oh Boy!, this has been a MAJOR  staple, help,
step in my nail care routine, thanks to this my routine is basically this: push and moisturize.
 Before when i cutted, it was a nightmare to keep a neat, clean nail border. Now is a piece of cake, and sometimes i use a cuticle remover for extra help.
Empujar las cuticulas en vez de cortarlas, ha mejorado enormemente la apariencia de mis uñas, cabe decir que es el mejor sistema para las cuticulas.
Spingere le cuticole invece di tagliarle, é il miglior modo di mantenere il bordo
 dell'unghia uniforme e con un bel aspetto.

3) Clean-up: Another thing i'm so happy i know about. Nails look so elegant, so taken care of when you do this.
Limpiar el borde del esmalte aplicado, para uniformar su aspecto, hace ver mas bello el resultado final.
クリン オップとネイール ワロップと マニキューア が いちばん すてき ですよ。
Pulire il bordo dello smalto steso, mi ha aiutato tantissimo nel dare un'apparenza piu' curata alla mia manicure.

4) Seche Vite: How i did before discovering this amazing fast drying top coat? I don't know.
 No se como hacia antes de descubrir esta capa de brillo, que seca el esmalte totalmente en minutos.
 "Seche vite" (セーシ ビット) は とてもシャイニーです。
 Mamma mia! ma come facevo prima di usare questa fantastica top coat ad asciugatura ultra veloce?

5) Nail  Tip Wrap: Another precious tip for a longer-lasting, neater manicure.
 Aplicar esmalte a la punta de la uña, hace mas duradera y bonita la manicure.
 Mettere lo smalto anche sulla punta dell'unghia, fà piu' duratura e carina la manicure.

Polish Shown: Essie "Flirty Fuchsia".

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