This is the one i was most excited about from the collection, and it met my expectations. The teal iridescent is very visible against the rich grape base. Good aplication.
Me encanta este esmalte! el brillo turquesa es bien visible, la base es un morado-uva espectacular.
Everything good: Formula, coverage, depth, drying time...this has it all! 2 coats+top coat. (only complaint: the aqua shimmer is subtle, i thought was more prominent)
Great formula with nice coverage, is very sparkling in the sun. To me this blue reminds me of the space: dark and smoky, loaded with stars.
Tiene una buena aplicacion y bastaria una capa si gustas, yo siempre voy con tres, pero aqui utilice 2 capas. Este azul me recuerda el firmamento, oscuro y tempesteado de estrellas.
この 青 は すてき です。すみません すこし日本語を わかります から もう かきません。
Un blu scuro e brillante, dai sottotoni grigi per essere piu consono con l'autumno. Mi ricorda il cielo notturno stellato. Buonissima formula.
I read about this manicure not long ago. Is to paint your thumb with a different polish, so you can have a special "something" when you are texting on your cell phone. I like the idea.
Me gusta esta idea de pintar la uña del pulgar con un color de impacto, para tener algo "especial" mientras escribes en tu celular.