Sunday, November 13, 2011

Orly-Sweet Peacock

This blue by Orly is very bright, lots of pigment, but the polish needs a bit of thinner: is too dense. It has a metallic finish and a grainy appearance.

Un azul bien encendido y pigmentado, aunque necesita un poco de suavizante ya que es bien denso. Tiene un acabado metalico y una apariencia granulosa.

この 青い は  とても  ブリリアント です、ても すこし  欝蒼 ですよ。

Questo blu di orly é molto acceso, purtroppo con una formula molto densa: bisogna qualche goccia di fluido ristorativo. Ha un finish metallico e un aspetto granuloso.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Zoya -Isla and Comparisons

"Isla" is a glowy, blackened red. I dare to say that if you have her you don't need Zoya "Blair" or China Glaze "MKS", but to my eye Isla is the reddest, though, the prettiest.